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This is coming from mouth of a one-time President of the European Parliament, who still holds a high-ranking position within the EU. Finished. The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity. One of the things the fake history books imply, and dont tell you much about, is that Japans attack on Pearl Harbour came out of the blue. Unfortunately, those are the rogue states with the whip hand and god help anyone who dares defy them. World Economic Forum: The Global Risks Report 2022: knock-on economic risks that are now clear and present dangers. Finger cross they never have to go near John Mains house. Andy Ellis aka John Main says: Image Gallery. Blowing up gas pipelines and pumping arms into a situation like this isnt going to help anyone except the US arms and gas suppliers. Dale shouts at him for speaking down to the group, saying Abraham does not know what they have been through. Dont be surprised if there are calls for Nic The Sturge to become P.M of Greater England and the Colonies . At times, I think its safe to say the lines of demarcation were undoubtedly crossed, but I think it is entirely possible for Scotland in 2022 to hold a Convention of the Estates specifically to rise up and defend Scotlands Sovereignty, but do so without stepping on the toes of a separate Scottish Parliament, whether that was a devolved Parliament or a resurrected National Parliament. While Abraham and Eugene are talking about Rosita outside of Alexandria, Abraham is shot in the back of the head by a Savior named Dwight using a crossbow, though, incredibly, he manages to finish his sentiments before dying. I think the problem for the USA and NATO, is that citizens in Europe seem to be more alert than their governments, and a lot of the anger is focused upon the relationship with their governments and the overly cosy relationship between NATO and the EU. At the end of the day regardless of protesting voices, supreme court case and Westminster political parties or the devolved government to Scotland opinions. It seems the truth really does hurt. Ive every faith and confidence in the public, in overcoming the existential battle we all face. They used it for their own self serving agenda instead with a declaration on national telly they not work with AS & they continued the SNP 1 & 2 myth to lock others out. Ooops posted this on the wrong thread. Apparently the US government told Americans working for chip manufacturers in China to get out or theyd face losing citizenship. ", "Checkpoint children: Armed Houthis under 18", "Q & A on The Conflict in Yemen and International Law Human Rights Watch", "Death toll from Yemen rebel shelling doubles to nearly 100", "Yemen: Houthi Landmines Claim Civilian Victims", "Yemen: Houthis Ban Rights Advocate's Travel", "Yemen war: WFP accuses Houthi rebels of diverting food aid", "World Food Programme to consider suspension of aid in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen", "Yemen's Houthis and WFP dispute aid control as millions starve", "UN warns food aid to Yemen could be suspended", "UN: Houthi rebels in Yemen recruited teenage girls", "Meeting the Houthis and their enemies", "Audience Question: Did Ansar Allah Liberated 95% of al-Jawf? I dont drink. Did she go around calling people who disagreed with her all sorts of nasty things? [70][71] In March, Ubisoft released a demo, revealing that the game is the first in the Settlers series to feature in-game achievements, available through Uplay. When I read that she said we will join the EU & that we would take on the debt. This causes Rick to tell Abraham about the times he killed Martinez and Dexter in cold-blood. If not, they will go down the tubes pretty quick, as people have little faith in global world political parties while suffering the repercussions of such global politics in Scotland. (It was a police sting, no victim, which caught him. He asks Heath what the status is, and Heath tells him that things have been quiet, only a few zombies managing to get stuck in the trenches around the Safe-Zone. 2. . The new-norms in NewScotland seem almost entirely abnormal to me. At his Partys Conference at the weekend, Salmond confirmed that Alba had commissioned an opinion from one of Scotlands top KCs on the real legal basis of Scotlands right of self-determination. No pressure. Sturgeon has already got 45% on side thanks to Alex Salmond. The EU needs a solution to its woes, but its woes are a direct consequence of its knee jerk sanctions against Ruskiland, which have backfired spectacularly.. Yesterday I was having a rant along similar lines. No Debt This reduces Scotland to the status of a colony, or a region with no history of independent statehood, which flies in the face of history, and also undermines any claims for the exceptional, voluntary, family, nature of the UK Union. How long did it take you to count all the posts by those youve labelled founder members of the BPHB, @ Republicofscotland says:17 October, 2022 at 7:05 pm, An Independent Scotlands defence should exist to keep our people safe and to be an ally only of the voices for peace in the world. *which for some reason was not deplatformed to the darkside in same manner as the relatively sane, entertaining and extremely politicaly incorrect (inc pro UK, pro locker room chat, anti snp, etc) UNN. I remember a Physics lesson at school where the Teacher said people could usually squeeze a set of bathroom scales to round about their own body weight. Its a money racket. Hopefully, like the Trump-Zelenski calls, NSA can overrule john Swinney to publish unredacted transcripts of the investigating officers confirmatory phone calls.. on the previous articles btl comments. The equations for delta V and mass ratio are slightly different for a Solar Moth or Laser Thermal rocket engine: v = sqrt((2 * Bp * B) / mDot) * ln[R]. Ignoring her claims, Zo and Bors march to Konstedt, Tandria's capital, where Zo takes the city, arresting Wolvering. It looks as if calling you a cunt really did hurt and you just cant get over it. I dont read books. but I think it is entirely possible for Scotland in 2022 to hold a Convention of the Estates specifically to rise up and defend Scotlands Sovereignty,. Paths to a Kingdom received generally positive reviews, with many critics citing it as the best Settlers game since The Settlers II. Indy is stuck flatlined at less than 50% support cos of the insistence by the ideological purists that Indy must also come with republicism, or pacifism, or EU membership. Ever considered that Ruby could be an Indy wrecker hiding in plain sight? The consent of the people, and their sovereignty, means accountability to the people. Theyre the kind of folk whose contributions sensible folk used to roll their eyes at back in student days. Another spoiler They probably dont even know what Nato or the EU actually is. But this is bigger than that. [], Gibbon, 1782 & Chapter XXXIV: Attila. Claiming that a figure of 99.8% in favour was entirely credible! MAS International Co., Ltd. Normal service will be resumed tommorow when I tell you about the Brexit Bounce and Better Together. For those with an interest in a Scottish currency/reserve bank and whats happening with it Dr Tim Rideout is involved with it. We feed the birds, squirrels, swans, badgers etc so why not the rats? [18], GamesRadar+'s Alec Meer scored it 3.5 out of 5, criticising the steep learning curve, and calling the game initially "ferociously complicated", but found it to be "exceptionally clever", stating that once the initial difficulty wears off, "it's truly impressive how balanced this thing is". If folk want to squabble about it fair enough isnt that healthier than the SNP snoozefest where abodys terrified in case they ruffle feathers? Both showed love for each other and Abraham protected her many times. Self-id takes the burden off the medical profession. Oh absolutely. So thanks for this. So at the moment, the situation might seem a bit fractious, because it is a bit fractious, a bit like a discordant orchestra warming up before the tap! Abraham is the last named character to die in a double-digit issue. She concluded that "the game puts forth a friendly, inviting facade that when pulled back reveals an unforgiving gameplay system". His happiness with Holly was extremely obvious, even in his dying words with Eugene regarding Rosita. Merganser says: It will probably refer to transatlantic hating. Mick Wallace and Clare Daly berate the European Parliament, day in and day out, on inaction by them, and it doesnt make a blind bit of difference those at the top of the EU have their own agenda. Arguably the most important thing to happen on the international stage in decades, and we all missed it, Park the economics. Probably. You dont need a majority to de-legitimise and overturn a breach of the law or treaty. This inspires Abraham and the others to stop cowering in their homes and to fight the herd. America just doesnt feel happy in its skin right now. But there are other downsides to it too. There has been protest in Europe before, and despite the UK and BBC drooling at the mere scent of European disharmony and disintegration, the EU has proven resilient. Unless we take a clear majority with us it wont gain enough traction. Not that anybody really gives a fuck, of course, since hes just a guy. Given the way things usually work in the MSM, surely NATO-denier must be a candidate? Im glad that there are at least two other people who see the idiocy of Sturgeons statement about paying UK debt. @Ruby 8:17pm We could fashion Scotland into the equivalent of a duty free departure lounge, where everything can be traded from everywhere, but only fully compliant trade leaves Scotland bound for Europe. Thank you for that clip Dan, very interesting. Certainly no significant alternative news outlets or influential bloggers. They dont seem to realise that. Scrolling past was always a good rule of thumb. Abraham later travels to see Eugene is his house, inquiring why he no longer goes to church. So, from the above Sturgeon wants to take a slice of debt that we did not create, and pay for it, to help a foreign country thats been robbing Scotland for centuries, and she cites it as the moral thing to do, this from the betrayer who has no morals. Abraham informs Rick of his wife and daughter's rape, and the fact the he killed the six men responsible with his bare hands. We all know why ballots for elections are anonymous and can see the sense in it. The fucking noggie murdering colonialist racist aggressive warmongering bastards. Hautey: I am reassured that not being part of NATO would guarantee our safety and security. v = ship's total deltaV capability (m/s); R = ship's mass ratio; Bp = Beam power (watts) of either laser beam or solar energy collected; B = efficiency with which engine 0 ports. We therefore ask again to excuse this faux pas and hope for your leniency and understanding. @ Alf Baird 10.35pm , Thank you for your response and explanation Alf , I watched Saras speech on yatube and picked up that she appeared mighty pissed off that ALBA were manipulating all the good work , energy and research that you members of SALVO and the SSRG had dedicated to FORCE publicity and knowledge of the CLAIM OF RIGHT by insisting on a convention of the estates to be RESERVED to politicians at all levels, We have had DECADES of unionist governments in Scotland some of whom will probably have realised the significance of the COR and the power of the Convention of the Estates but deliberately chose to ignore or hide the significance from the Scottish people because they are t raitors to their own people and country, The SNP have been in government since 2007 pushing independence YET it is only NOW that the COR and the convention of the estates is gaining prominence and significance and that is through the hard work of the SSRG and SALVO , where have all the independence supporting politicians been since 2007 that should have been SCREAMING the COR and COE at EVERY opportunity, IF the CONVENTION OF THE ESTATES is to be seized by politicians , IMO it can ONLY be on a temporary basis to facilitate the independence of Scotland , once independent a means must be worked to return the convention back to the rightful owners , the sovereign people of Scotland , I would further propose that ANY COE formed MUST include a considerable representation from SALVO and SSRG to ensure politicians dont prevaricate or delay the return to the people, Looking and listening to the audience when Sara was making her speech it appeared to me that many were in agreement with Sara , people must remember the last ALBA conference when Sara first revealed the extensive work SALVO had undertaken to research the COR and the COE and the uplifting feeling that all was not lost on the indy front , and the resulting adoption and inclusion of Sara and her propositions on the many indy sites and blogs, twathater says: [26] Storehouses can be upgraded twice, with each upgrade putting an additional carrier to work. Why all this pretence that Scotland isnt a colony? The second way, the way the UK government has opted for, is to watch living standards and the economy collapse so that inflation is restrained by poverty. I thought that would be a lovely thing to do during the winter months but it turns out jacuzzis are being closed down for six months.

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