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aristotle views on political science

But a democracy in which the interests of the wealthy were taken into account and protected by the laws would be ruling in the interest of the community as a whole, and it is this that Aristotle believes is the best practical regime. (Obviously they are not completely helpless or unable to reason; in the case of slaves captured in war, for example, the slaves were able to sustain their lives into adulthood and organize themselves into military forces. The Poetics is much better known than the Rhetoric, though only the first book of the former, a treatment of epic and tragic poetry, survives. For equality is the same thing [as justice] for persons who are similar, and it is difficult for a regime to last if its constitution is contrary to justice (1332b25). Where is the connection? Aristotle Political Ideals. It would weaken attachments to other people and to the common property of the city, and this would lead to each individual assuming that someone else would care for the children and property, with the end result being that no one would. He contributed to virtually every academic discipline, and can be considered the founder of political science. As he says in Nicomachean Ethics at 1099b30, The end [or goal] of politics is the best of ends; and the main concern of politics is to engender a certain character in the citizens and to make them good and disposed to perform noble actions. Most people living today in Western societies like the United States, Canada, Germany, or Australia would disagree with both parts of that statement. - Role & Impact on Government, ILTS Music (143): Test Practice and Study Guide, ILTS Social Science - Psychology (248): Test Practice and Study Guide, ILTS School Psychologist (237): Test Practice and Study Guide, ILTS Business, Marketing, and Computer Education (171): Test Practice and Study Guide, FTCE School Psychologist PK-12 (036) Prep, Instructional Strategies for Teachers: Help & Review, PLACE Mathematics: Practice & Study Guide, CSET Science Subtest II Physics (220): Test Prep & Study Guide, CSET Social Science Subtest III (116) Prep, OSAT Chemistry (CEOE) (004): Practice & Study Guide, Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET): Exam Prep, MTTC English as a Second Language (086): Practice & Study Guide, Special Enrollment Examination (SEE): Exam Prep & Study Guide, Praxis Citizenship Education: Content Knowledge (5087) Prep, Create an account to start this course today. Now consider Machiavelli, the father of modern political science, wrote his masterwork The Prince in the 1530's. Plato and Aristotle . In order to answer these questions we must refer to what Aristotle says about precision. His contributions to the various disciplines were long-lasting, and he is considered one of the most influential thinkers of all time. 290 lessons Aristotle does not entirely condemn wealth it is necessary for maintaining the household and for providing the opportunity to develop ones virtue. And thought thinks on itself because it shares (metalepsin) the nature of the object of thought; for it becomes an object of thought in coming into contact with and thinking its objects, so that thought and object of thought are the same. Aristotle, Metaphysica, 1072b19f. He who is without a city through nature rather than chance is either a mean sort or superior to man, Aristotle says (1253a3), and adds One who is incapable of participating or who is in need of nothing through being self-sufficient is no part of a city, and so is either a beast or a god (1253a27). 2nd Ed. They are also too small a group to be politically consequential: [T]hose who are outstanding in virtue do not engage in factional conflict to speak of; for they are few against many (1304b4). Aristotle even says that community (koinoniu) is friendship.11 Where community is, there is some friendship, just as sharing mutual experiences leads to an experience of a mutual bond. Man is conscious of this hierarchy of goods the moment that he recognizes that anything is higher or lower than another. Similarly, Aristotle thought there were people who were natural slaves, meaning they were not (at least by adulthood) capable of acting rationally by their own powers. Both Plato and Aristotle believed that nature and law are not opposed, that they are intimately related, and that the Sophistic argument should not be allowed to stand unchallenged. Their existence, like those of the slaves and the women, is for the benefit of the free male citizens. Philosophy, Political Science. Aristotle says at 1259a40 that the wife is to be ruled in political fashion. Aristotle distinguishes between friendship and the object of ones love. Aristocracy is a genuine form, but its corrupt version is plutocracy. The above works are available in an inexpensive edition of the important works edited by Richard McKeon, The Basic Works of Aristotle (New York: Random House, 1968). Aristotle and Plato were philosophers in ancient Greece who critically studied matters of ethics, science, politics, and more. What is right by nature is not knowable by everyone: it is known only by the mature man. These opinions (the Greek word isendoxa), however, are not completely true. For on account of not having much property it is lacking in leisure, and so is unable to hold frequent assemblies. However, like the other ancient philosophers, it was not the stereotypical ivory tower existence. Rearranging the text in this way would have the effect of joining the early discussion of the origins of political life and the city, and the nature of political justice, with the discussion of the ideal city and the education appropriate for it, while leaving together books 4-6 which are primarily concerned with existing varieties of regimes and how they are preserved and destroyed and moving them to the conclusion of the book. If the oligarchs claim seems ridiculous, you should keep in mind that the American colonies had property qualifications for voting; those who could not prove a certain level of wealth were not allowed to vote. Print - PDF Aristotle: Democracy and Political Science. (Contemporary social scientists call this a problem of collective goods). But Aristotle believes that you would also, as part of your description, have to say that it is made to cut things. So for Aristotle the Polis in one sense is an expression of the people's idea of justice. This has been the case in Western political philosophy at least since John Locke. What Greek women thought of this belief is impossible to say). Aristotle believed that there were three genuine forms of government and three corrupted forms of government. The aim of the Politics, Aristotle says, is to investigate, on the basis of the constitutions collected, what makes for good government and what makes for bad government and to identify the factors favourable or unfavourable to the preservation of a constitution. There is therefore a sense in which the city is prior by nature to the household and to each of us (1253a19). We can say that Aristotle laid the foundation of a real political science by his keen and practical political approach and systematic treatment of the subject. One of the themes running through Aristotles thought that most people would reject today is the idea that a life of labor is demeaning and degrading, so that those who must work for a living are not able to be as virtuous as those who do not have to do such work. This may at first seem wise, since the unequal distribution of property in a political community is, Aristotle believes, one of the causes of injustice in the city and ultimately of civil war. But while nature wishes to do this, it is often unable to (1255b3). An exceptional work of scholarship. But perhaps what he meant was that watching tragedy helps people to put their own sorrows and worries in perspective, because in it they observe how catastrophe can overtake even people who are vastly their superiors. Keep in mind that the practical sciences are not about knowledge for its own sake: unless we put this knowledge to use in order to improve the citizens and the city, the study engaged in by political science is pointless. Someone who does live according to virtue, who chooses to do the right thing because it is the right thing to do, is living a life that flourishes; to borrow a phrase, they are being all that they can be by using all of their human capacities to their fullest. Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher who lived much of his life in Athens. Aristotle asserts that all communities aim at some good. The author's intimate familiarity with Aristotle's text, as well as his unparalleled knowledge of Greek political history are on full display throughout. The productive and practical sciences, in contrast, address our daily needs as human beings, and have to do with things that can and do change. Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher who was born in 384 BCE and died in 322 BCE. However, women do not participate in politics, since their reason lacks the authority that would allow them to do so, and in order to properly fulfill this role the wife must pursue her owntelos. Other animals living in groups, such as bees, goats, and cows, do not have the ability to speak or to reason as Aristotle uses those terms. For example, in a democracy, citizens are paid to serve on juries, while in an oligarchy, rich people are fined if they do not. Instead the surplus should be allowed to accumulate until enough is available to give the poor enough money to acquire land or start a trade. Their intellectual powers, which could be turned to wealth, are being used in other, better ways to develop their humanity. First, however, let us briefly consider with Aristotle one other valid claim to rule. From the unmoved mover, the first cause of being, the movement of being flows into the range of human action. What concerns us is thetelos of a human being. And in discovering and living according to the right laws, acting with justice and exercising the virtues that allow human society to function, we make possible not only the success of the political community but also the flourishing of our own individual virtue and happiness. I feel like its a lifeline. We could not be very precise about the weight of an elephant if the measure we used was that commonly used for liquid quantities. Recall that he opened thePolitics with the statement that the city is a partnership, and in fact the most authoritative partnership. There is another element to determining who the good citizen is, and it is one that we today would not support. Yet, if we observe that the men of these ancient cultures came to know themselves only by reference to acts of the gods or by acts of men who were both mortal and immortal, once the hegemony of the intracosmic gods was broken the differentiated consciousness of man was a logical development. The greatness of Athenian plays, architecture, sculpture, and philosophy could not have been achieved without the institution of slavery. Natural right, however, is above politics, fundamentally unlimited, autonomous, both of the political community and of justice. 1). 237-243 for an account of the opening argument of theEthicsand the question of the citys authority in relation to reason, or philosophy. The best city, like any other city, must educate its citizens to support its principles. He also says that abortion is the appropriate solution when the population threatens to grow too large (1335b24). But this situation is extremely unlikely (1287b40). Like bees and herd animals, human beings live together in groups. This would seem to legitimate slavery, and yet there are two significant problems. As with the masters rule over the slave, and humanitys rule over plants and other animals, Aristotle defines these kinds of rule in terms of natural hierarchies: [T]he male, unless constituted in some respect contrary to nature, is by nature more expert at leading than the female, and the elder and complete than the younger and incomplete (1259a41). Regardless, most scholars believe that the Nicomachean Ethics is Aristotles fullest and most mature expression of his ethical theory). If the supreme power of the state is vested in the hands of one person who uses it for the betterment of the entire nation, it is termed by Aristotle as Monarchy. Ruling in accordance with ones wishes at any particular time is one of the hallmarks of tyranny (it is the same way masters rule over slaves), and it is also, Aristotle says, typical of a certain kind of democracy, which rules by decree rather than according to settled laws. Richard J. Bishirjian, was Founding President and Professor of Government at Yorktown University from 2000 to 2016. For example, in order to understand political phenomena, he had his students collect information on the political organization and history of 158 different cities. If the city exists for the sake of developing virtue in the citizens, then those who have the most virtue are the most fit to rule; they will rule best, and on behalf of all the citizens, establishing laws that lead others to virtue. (This viewpoint is reflected in the famous depiction of Plato and Aristotle in Raphaels Vatican fresco The School of Athens.) What is it that human beings are meant by nature to become in the way that knives are meant to cut, acorns are meant to become oak trees, and thoroughbred ponies are meant to become race horses? Statesmen must have some insight into this relationship if they are to be successful in encouraging concord. Why is Aristotle important? Aristotle does not think this percentage should be increased if anything, it should be decreased. Thus who ought to be called a citizen and what the citizen is must be investigated (1274b41). Many people, Aristotle says, are confused about what this means. Exam 17 May, questions and answers. This was the nucleus of Aristotles concept of political science as a science of human action. To Aristotle, observing was being. They were liable to prosecution if they were found to have engaged in wrongdoing or mismanagement, and the fear of this prosecution, Aristotle says, will keep them honest and ensure that they act according to the wishes of the democracy. Aristotle's View of Politics Political science studies the tasks of the politician or statesman (politikos), in much the way that medical science concerns the work of the physician (see Politics IV.1). And in order to deal with human depravity, what is needed is to moderate human desires, which can be done among those adequately educated by the laws (1266b31). Aristotle says that It is clear that all partnerships aim at some good, and that the partnership that is most authoritative of all and embraces all the others does so particularly, and aims at the most authoritative good of all. Who were Aristotles teachers and students? For example, sometimes power is held by one man who rules in the interest of the city as a whole; this is the kind of regime called monarchy. We perhaps have difficulty making sense of it because the cultural basis of a discussion of action with reference to a final cause has been eclipsed by new concepts of physics. In this case those without power will engage in revolution not to change the regime but to change those who are ruling. Aristotle contributed to the theory of government by detailing many of the possible forms of political community and how they relate to the overall purpose of government. Women have their own role in the household, preserving what the man acquires. The universality of this recognition is manifest in common speech when we refer to particularly base acts as animal. The cosmos, too, reveals a hierarchy in which divine reality is the highest order, man the next highest, then the animal, vegetable, and inorganic orders. Popular government in the common interest Aristotle calls polity; he reserves the word democracy for anarchic mob rule. For a monarchy to last, for example, the people must believe in the rightness of monarchical rule and the principles which justify it. The main idea of Aristotle's politics is that government exists to promote and foster virtue in a way that leads to the good life of its citizens. Among his major contributions to Western thought is his political philosophy. This examination of existing cities must be done both in order to find out what those cities do properly, so that their successes can be imitated, and to find out what they do improperly so that we can learn from their mistakes. As Aristotle says atEthics1103a30: We become just by the practice of just actions, self-controlled by exercising self-control, and courageous by performing acts of courage.Lawgivers make the citizens good by inculcating [good] habits in them, and this is the aim of every lawgiver; if he does not succeed in doing that, his legislation is a failure. The Politics As Aristotle understands things, the heart of political activity is the regime (the politieia or constitution) because it forms the people and resources of a particular place into a whole whose laws and actions serve an understanding of virtue and happiness. Just as an acorn can only fulfill itstelos if there is sufficient light, the right kind of soil, and enough water (among other things), and a horse can only fulfill itstelos if there is sufficient food and room to run (again, among other things), an individual can only fulfill theirtelos and be a moral and happy human being within a well constructed political community.

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aristotle views on political science