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leadership meeting cadence

One-on-one meetings will determine the level of performance you get from your people. A high level of accountability, a drive for excellence, calculated risk taking, focus on value creation, and high levels of integrity, to name just a few. We had two hours allocated for each functional division and a half a day for operations, and this sucks up a lot of time to prepare and hold these things. An all-hands meeting is a company-wide meeting where all employees, and others vested within the business, meet with the leadership team. When it comes to one on one meetings, they should be a combination of these performance based discussions that we mentioned and opportunities for your people to seek guidance. Decision making by consensus is insidious. You canpick and choose the ones you need, orrun all of the meetings in this series: Stable groups might prefer Paul Axtells Quick Strategic Refresh. But there are smart ways to do this, which create value, and really dumb ways that choke the life out of your decision maker's accountability, and kill any semblance of momentum that you thought you might be able to achieve. These meetings have the potential for conflict, discomfort and heightened emotions. Leadership teams hold operational meetings often to make sure all the moving parts stay coordinated and problems can be raised and solved quickly. You can also download our facilitators guides to learn how to lead these meetings and run them however you see fit. But it's these conversations, normally conducted as formally scheduled meetings, that determine how your people perform. where they dug into their key performance indicators (KPIs) and challenged each other in sometimes heated but mostly improvement-focused discussions. It can be very hard to get time on their calendar on short notice. Learn more in our Cookie Policy. What do we specifically need to start, stop, and continue? The first meeting of the month would be based on their agenda, and the second meeting of the month would be based on mine. The frequency of strategic meetings drives the organizations adaptability. You can also offer recognition for specific leaders who embrace the company's values, which can help you show employee appreciation and set an example for other leaders. A leadership learning cadence for new managers might include: Join a Leadership Cohort/Community Learning starts with sharing ideas, and idea-sharing doesn't require classes. But on top of these formally scheduled one-on-ones, twice a month, once on their agenda, once on mine, we also had drop-ins all the time. How can you run more effective leadership meetings in your own organization? If it is important enough for you to be in the room, you're expected to contribute and participate, not just listen. You know this stuff will come up, so you might as well have a plan for dealing with it. So in other words, you can have 15 people in a room saying that something is a good idea, number 16, who might be a thought leader says, I don't agree with that. Make sure people share any time when they plan to be unavailable, either due to work or personal commitments. I know, they're rowing backwards. Meeting cadence may depend on factors like who is involved with the meeting and the nature of what they plan to discuss. If you lack a strategy or a way of measuring progress, we recommend starting there. KPIsWhat are the specific initiatives and results that you've committed to delivering? One of the best ways to do this is with a meeting tool like Hive Notes. Strategy drives the operational reality, and a grounding in reality keeps the strategy relevant. To do this, one of our first steps is increasing self-awareness and awareness across teams. The Cadence of today is an award-winning, internationally recognized leader in the travel industry and has received numerous accolades for workplace culture. Answering the "What is Fred up to?" Two words are emphasized in this definition. I wanted to send a message this was the most important thing to me. We have a guide for each meeting, and a packet that includes the guides to all the meeting templates mentioned in this post. For me, that assessment might have involved a measurement of how all the new investments the company undertook performed against the internal rate of return hurdles that the board had established. The meeting agenda templates and guides outlined below provide a solid foundation for scheduling and running your leadership team's meeting cadence. 6. The first thing, was the central safety committee. Questions Answered Since our last team meeting: What's been done? Habits are behaviors so common that theyre done unconsciously. A complete meeting consists of three key phases: Plan - clearly define why you need to hold the meeting, the results that you want to accomplish and who needs to participate We'd pull maybe a day and a half or two days together with the top 50 leaders in the company, and this was where we would communicate key objectives, key principles, and important messages. Then, work to prioritize these problems before deciding which 2 or 3 to tackle. Because there was nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, you have to live or die on your performance. You can update your choices at any time in your settings. Some issues are straightforward, so the team knocks those out in the weekly meeting. Your weekly leadership meeting is one of your company's most important meetings. You've probably heard me say before that diversity, in all its forms, is incredibly important for moral reasons, if nothing else. Now that you know the importance of effective leadership meetings, how can you utilize them in your own organization? I'm going to reference a number of past episodes today that fill in some of the gaps of the content I'm covering. Some people even go so far as to put power of veto in place. Maybe you discover that the different groups arent working at the same pace, creating constant delays. #3. We'd get the leaders of each of these functions underneath the executive to present on their particular area. . The next day all 50+ leaders met in one conference room and presented their KPIs (pipeline, customer service, operating margin, etc.) This is an incredibly detailed episode, so we've created a free PDF guide 'Practical Execution Tips: How to Get Your Meeting Cadence Right' which you can . There were two things in particular at CS Energy. I'm really excited to get your feedback on it! There's only one reason why you bring teams of people together and that's to improve the performance of the team and the business. Leadership team meetings are a time for company leaders to discuss strategy and make key decisions about the past and future of the business. Be the first to contribute! I didn't need to be involved day to day. Whats changed in our overall context in the past 90 days? This process is designed to tackle a single strategic challenge. The right team meeting cadence depends on the purpose of the meeting, the team and the wider organization. Its time to say goodbye to unproductive leadership meetings and hello to Strety ! You want people to understand all the issues at hand and to robustly debate them. Anticipate at least 30 minutes for each smaller decision. Its also long enough that its become hard for everyone to keep the spirit of the original strategy fresh in their minds. Episode #111 // If you took a poll of 100 leaders, you'd be hard-pressed to find one who'd say that they'd like more meetings in their lives, especially these days where 'Zoom fatigue' has become a fa. Eliminating a lot of email back-and-forth spent coordinating schedules, hand-offs, etc. This approach basically allows an accountable leader to balance inclusiveness and decisiveness. Not everyone on the leadership team needs to attend the Monthly Strategic meeting. Thats what our tactical and strategic solutions do. The process follows best practices for problem solving and decision making with a group. The leadership team sets the tone and focus for the entire organization. I see a common misunderstanding that Kanban Cadences, proposed . Finally, the leadership team needs to periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the cadence (e.g., Are we going deep enough into our KPIs to drive results?, Are all of our meetings taking longer than the allotted time?) Others are harder, so they get put on the list for the monthly strategic meeting. These meetings demand more, and deliver more. They also need to understand the context in which they operate, so their decisions can be implemented. A meeting cadence refers to the frequency that a particular group gathers for a meeting. If no one raises any issues for more than a few days in a row, probe harder. Recently weve been exploring the science and theory behind what makes meetings successful. However, none of this will be possible if the leaders in your organization never talk to each other or are forced to sit through poorly-prepared and poorly-conducted leadership meetings . Here is a suggested cadence meeting agenda: Outstanding project status, next steps, and ownership. Hearing about bad news or upcoming challenges straight from company leadership can reduce the likelihood of rumors and misinformation. In todays world, the status quo is no longer an option. Pauls Strategic Refresh is a shorter meeting that can be used as a Quarterly Refresh for groups that dont want or need to go this deep. Books you might also find helpful: Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Crucial Conversations. Its a very rewarding way to work, because not only do you stay up-to-date, you see that youre part of a group that can deal with issues and get stuff done. After all, this is 90% will and 10% skill. After a few weeks of this regular check-in, you start to notice patterns. Why? A major initiative, relationship issues they were having with their peers, how to influence one of the directors on the board, one of their staff that perhaps wasn't performing up to scratch, they could put anything on that agenda that they liked, and I was basically in mentor mode. It's going to be very different for you if you're running a micro startup business, but the object of the exercise is to take the concepts here and adapt them for your environment. It has to meet leadership's needs, it has to serve its team members, and it has to benefit the organization as a whole. Were not about quick fixes or one-off workshops, and we dont design anything you dont need. A shared meal or two creates opportunities for deeper discussion and relationships. When we talk about one-on-one communication, this episode talks about overcoming the psychological barriers that are going to prevent you from giving feedback. Pinterest. Project managers spend a large part of each day communicatingfacilitating meetings, emailing stakeholders, responding to texts, writing reports, and having one-on-one conversations. Which big challenges do you still need to dig into? However, its important to only focus on a few high-importance issues at a timedont lose valuable time talking about less important problems, or think that youll be able to discuss and solve everything in just one meeting. At these meetings you want to work on personal development and this gives you the opportunity to focus on each person's competency for their leadership level in your church's pipeline. We have a template for each meeting described here that will make your setup, action item tracking, and meeting management a breeze. 3. one-to-ones Leadership team meetings A weekly team meeting cadence is often entirely too frequent. We could cover some stuff that might be topical, it might just be some general stuff, it might be personal, but those are the things that build the relationship with your people, and so losing that will be an awful shame. Yup, you did hear that right. The Quarterly meeting reviews progress, adjusts the strategic priorities, and sets the specific strategic targets for the coming quarter. These are meetings where you're talking about group results and performance, and of course, if you've got any individual work to do, that's done in private. Leadership team cadence is like the drum beat that helps a leadership team march in rhythm and alignment. While there is no 'right answer' for finding the best team meeting cadence, we have, however, put together a best . Given everything youve learned about each other, the organization, and the work at hand, what needs adjustment? It's not a democracy. While it may not feel natural at first, every agenda item in these meetings serves a results-oriented purpose. One big problem with meetings: there are too many things in too many places. Keep an eye out for any of these signs of unproductive meetings: The goal of the meeting is unclear. You may have heard me say before, the communication and intent are diluted every layer you go down in an organisation. The meeting could effectively take place asynchronously. Duration: 2-6 hours, depending on the size of the leadership team and the organization. Without strong, single-point accountabilities, you can fall into the trap of decision making by consensus. Keep the discussion structured but not rigid. While the plan above looks and sounds like a ton of time spent in meetings, it represents just 10% of a full-time employee's available time. Your team needs the ability and willingness to raise and wrestle with hard issues. Well help you find the true target thats at the heart of every wish. Question two: how am I performing against those expectations? If you want to tackle more than one topic, you will need to repeat steps 2 through 5 for each. And the Quarterly meeting requires yet another hour or two of prep from everyone involved. More specifically, leadership team cadence is the necessary pattern of interactions (meetings, one-on-ones, written communications) that enable a leadership team to shape, monitor and adapt an organization's strategic intent.. Two words are emphasized in this definition. In the case of the town hall style meetings, to do people a courtesy, of showing that what they do is important enough for me to be on the ground talking to them, not just sitting in an air conditioned office somewhere, judging them by the reports that turned up in my inbox. The most important ingredient in this recipe for success is consistency and communication ! The main focus for these meetings, however, is problem solving. However, if used properly, meetings can be a powerful construct for setting standards, making decisions and lifting performance. Set a timer and stop when 10% of the time remains. I also chaired the market risk committee and this spoke to our licence to operate. Why? From this, a comms plan would be developed that the leaders would take back out to their parts of the business so that they could give their teams the same message. While there is some discussion of status and progress, this agenda keeps all that short. Thats flow. Just recently I had the benefit of sitting in on a day and a half leadership team meeting of a rapidly growing regional commercial landscaping company. Leadership meetings are one of the most importantbut why? The same is true when it comes to meetings. You need to decide which forums are important enough and appropriate for you to be involved in as the leader. Weekly Meetings A weekly team meeting is a standard for a lot of use cases. You need to have a way to measure your leader's performance based on both their results and their behaviours. Below are three reasons for adopting a regular meeting cadence following a big . Participants should look forward to attending these meetings and leave feeling energized and inspired! No big emergencies, but youve got a feel for the pulse and a sense for where you need to make adjustments in how the organization operates. Yet, you only get those benefits if you make the most of peer 1 on 1s. And lets make a difference, together. If you're spending a lot of your time in meetings, you want to make them count!This week, we talk about how to bring together all aspects of the individual AND group meetings that drive your execution tempo, as I let you in onmy proven leadership meeting cadence. An effective way to do this is for leaders to hold regular one-on-one (1:1) and team meetings with their employees. In the lead up to the board meeting, we'd work out what we were taking up and why, and we'd make sure that our key messaging and tone was exactly right. These days, it's pulling up a screen. You can imagine why that might be a little bit uncomfortable for some of the participants, particularly when they're not performing and they don't know how to perform. They only set up a meeting when they feel the need for it. Our choices may or may not be right for you, so Ive listed a selection of additional resources below. Nine rules for running a productive stand-up meeting. The behavioural componentIs the leader performing in accordance with the company values? Before we schedule a meeting, we like to ask the following questions. Without this framework the context of a cadence becomes confusing and can be counterproductive. Imagine a team of individuals who are supercharged and empowered and go above and beyond, simply because they love what they do. I had to be a little bit careful not to direct them, but rather to give them some guidance about how they might think through a problem, which is a slightly different thing. What still needs doing? We had to make sure that we were painting within the lines in terms of both our risk and our trading strategy. Youre a team of colleagues working together to drive your business - this should feel more like an intense meeting and less like an over-planned workshop. If you're spending a lot of your time in meetings, you want to make them . In addition to the professional development . You can read all about the core function of meetings, the underlying structures that make them work, and the science behind effective decision making in meetings on our blog. Theyre also way more fun than the traditional soul-sucking staff meeting. 2. It's crucial that you establish a clear cadence and rhythm for how your reporting on objectives and driving meaningful conversation. And finally, adopt Lencioni's daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly meeting cadence. Now obviously, size matters. That's how people are going to get the confidence to contribute because it's not wasted. Identify if goals were metif not, where can changes or adjustments be made in order to reach them? Examples The Weekly Team Meeting The Daily Huddle This is where you challenge, coach, and confront your people. For a simple soup-to-nuts approach, try Anna OByrnes Essential Strategic Planning Toolkit, which walks you through the basics and gets you some measurable goals. Preparation is required. You may know it by its other name: the daily stand-up. Plan for both. It's a problem in almost everyone's! We call this an "anytime" meeting because it should be scheduled any time a serious strategic issue comes up. Question three: what does my future hold? If this months challenge comes from the marketing department, and the safety lead doesnt really have any skin in that game, she may choose to bow out. It's also where you empower your people by offering them support, guidance and encouragement. Ready to learn more? This can get fuzzy as the year goes on, so its important to be reminded. An example might look as follows: annual 2-3 day meetings to set targets; quarterly 1-day meetings to review results and adjust strategy, monthly 2-3 hour meetings to monitor and correct deviations, and weekly 1-hour meetings to track and monitor execution. I also got the opportunity to see up close and personal what their capability was like, how they focused on problems, and what they did to process and solve them. Essentially, you want your management team to operate like a well-oiled machine but this can be incredibly difficult to achieve. It's with you for your whole life. All of these group meetings were designed to focus on value delivery and performance. How often should you meet? A meeting that could have been an email As a business operations professional, one of the things that always showed up at my desk was ' meeting cadence ' often disguised as ' operational. Both meetings also devote some time to building inter-team relationships, which helps the leadership group work well together. In this episode we talk about how to bring together all aspects of the individual AND group meetings that drive your execution tempo, as I let you in onmy proven leadership meeting cadence. When we started Lucid Meetings, it wasnt because we were all excited about meetings. Each leader within an organization will have different priorities based on their specific job role or department. There are 4 facilitator guides in the pack: We're going to start with a look at the one on one meetings that you can use to challenge, coach, and confront your people. Lets start with a humble one-on-one. Cut people off if they go off topic. Leadership Team Meetings Should Include: An enterprise view of the company, delivered by the CEO Goals & progress updates from department leaders Roadblocks & debate on key questions between attendees The facilitators guide also includes tips for adapting each meeting and links to other good examples. If this helps, make sure you share it with your team so that you're all working from the same playbook. It was a very standardised format and template that we used, but this is where we found out what the performance of the business was truly like.- What did you say you were going to do?- What did you actually do?- And what are you going to do? Alternatively, start here and do some shopping:Navigating the Dozens of Different Strategy Options. Episode #111 // If you took a poll of 100 leaders, you'd be hard-pressed to find one who'd say that they'd like more meetings in their lives, especially these days where 'Zoom fatigue' has become a factor. Download the free guide: How to Get Your Leadership Cadence Right, Episode #6: The Psychology of Feedback - Listen Now, Episode #96: Performance Reviews - Listen Now, Episode #57: Challenge, Coach and Confront - Listen Now, Take our FREE Level Up Leadership Masterclass - Start now, Subscribe to the No Bullsh!t Leadership podcast, Share your favourite episodes with your leadership network, Tag us in your next post and use the hashtag #nobsleadership. Every week, we would meet for two hours on a Monday morning. Increase your company communication, save time and become for effective using the Level 10 Meeting Agenda from EOS ( This person's accountable for decision making tempo and needs to balance consultation with speed, but ultimately this is what leaders are paid for. When you're trying to keep track of action items, agendas, and decisions, it's helpful to keep everything in one place so you can reference the information you need. A problem shared is a problem halved. These meetings focus on role-based skills that are specific for your ministry area. Kanban Cadences are a suggested series or rather a network of meetings, fostering proper bi-directional communication happening at all necessary levels of your organization. Thats motivation. 1) Build more cohesive, collaborative cross-functional teams. These meetings were fantastic and they fulfilled a number of functions. Why schedule a problem solving meeting before you know you have a problem? Use this executive weekly meeting template to make sure that this time is not wasted. The 4 core meeting agenda templates and the meeting cadence used by high-performance leadership teams to drive strategic execution. You can break this meeting into two separate sessions, or schedule an off-site planning day. Your meeting cadence should lead to effective meetings for the team leaders and participants. Establish trust. Effective stand-up meetings are more than just team members taking turns talking about what they're working on. The leaders researching the challenge dug into the details, and sent a report to everyone outlining the facts. If you surveyed a room full of leaders, you'd struggle to find a single one who'd say they needed more meetings in their lives. Were all about strategy and measuring results. A leadership team's job is to make decisions that keep reality aligned with the strategy, and the strategy relevant to the day-to-day reality. #111: The Leadership Meeting Cadence - Listen Here Join the Crush Your Career Challenge 2022 - Here Buy the NO BULLSH!T LEADERSHIP BOOK -Here. Keep in mind that these are simply outlines meant to be used as a starting point. Moving off site helps the group step away from the day-to-day operations, and provides better opportunities for reinforcing the relationships you need in place in order to work through challenging questions. Definition Team Cadence Meetings are used to keep teams aligned towards a common goal, to keep everyone informed, and to ensure work momentum. During this meeting, the direct report shares specific information about the projects they're working on, and managers provide feedback, insights, and guidance. The Monthly + Anytime meeting solves a specific strategic challenge. #61: Learning to Say No - Listen Here Ep. You'll want to develop your own Meeting Flow Model that connects all the dots. Coaching may help. These skills are leveraging all types of situations. Aug 18, 2017 These would all come with a formal agenda, pre-meeting briefing notes, and it was the forum for robust discussions. But in the end you'll want to make this your own and we heartily encourage that! Those who do participate make sure theyve read the report in advance and come prepared, each spending up to an hour getting ready for the meeting. #44: The Standard You Walk Past is the Standard You Set - Listen Here Ep. We want that for you because we believe you want that for you. There are always strategic challenges! Start and end on time Respect your team's time by keeping the meeting on schedule. The importance of these meetings simply can't be underestimated, and if you're not doing enough one on one meetings, that's something you want to get on top of straight away. Take breaks every 90 minutes or so. It involves establishing a consistent pattern for the group to meet to help facilitate good communication and develop good habits. The specific agendas can and should change to match your team's work requirements, as long as you stick to a regular cadence and ensure each agenda you use achieves the goals for that meeting. Perhaps more importantly, these meetings keep the leadership team connected to the overall direction the organization is trying to move in. I would love to set aside dedicated time for us to meet 1 on 1 privately. We have to master the art of both written and oral communication. Then twice a year, a formal assessment would be undertaken against these scorecards and become part of the annual review process. They're paid to make those hard decisions, using all of the inputs they have available and to maximise the resources at their disposal. One person scribbles an agenda in a notebook, another takes notes in Google Docs, another shows up totally unprepared because they didn't realize they needed to review something in advance. Align on upcoming meetings, projects or goals. Don't set up a meeting without having any cogent issue to discuss. by These tend to become unnecessary status updates rather than productive conversations. You know that feeling when everything just clicks? question, People share info & resources that can help a colleague with an immediate problem, Teams prevent wasted or duplicative effort, Someone discovers a chance to learn or participate in a new activity, Getting someone help quickly when blocked, Re-balancing assignments during crunch times, The Huddle is for identifying obstacles and finding help.

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leadership meeting cadence