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logic and critical thinking syllabus

. Online reading assignments must be completed before coming to class. DSS provides academic accommodations, access, assistance and services at NIC and at the North Idaho Consortium of Higher Education campus. It attempts to connect patterns of information into patterns of thought, either to solve a problem, generate ideas, or come up with creative concepts. This environment not only helps students become more critical readers and more competent writers, but also promotes their success across the curriculum and encourages life-long learning. Students at the end of the class will be able to speculate as to the nature of the truth, as evidenced by its long history of developed achievement. [3] Do not name the people involved, unless it involves you and you feel comfortable presenting the character as yourself; in this case, you have the option to use a fictional name to mask your identity. Get a Question-Based Critical Thinking ExerciseFree! Removal From Class For Non-Attendance Attendance is based on your participation in this class. (iii)evaluate the arguments youve reconstructed: are they deductively or inductively sound? ASSESSMENT: ASSIGNMENTS, PROJECTS, and PARTICIPATION. Fortunately, there are a large number of easily identifiable fallacies mistakes of reasoning that you can learn to recognize by their structure or content. View 1 Other Section of this Course in this Semester There will be quizzes online and in class, a midterm and a final. This is an automated proctoring service, but no decisions are automated; recordings Student Code of ConductThe Student Code of Conduct applies to any student enrolled at North Idaho College. Critical Thinking. Assignment 16, due before class:Complete select exercises 8.3-8.6 on pp.176-80 (marked in yellow) & Revisit the page on Canvas>Pages titled Arguments and explanations about effects of minimum wage increase. Find the answers you provided a couple of weeks ago. It includes practice in inductive and deductive reasoning, presentation of arguments in oral and . Discussion of the Syllabus, Expectations and Class Policies II. Readings:Huemer, Is Critical Thinking Epistemically Responsible?; Ritola, Critical Thinking Is Epistemically Responsible (i) What would be your rough, colloquium definition of bias? This includes a purchased paper, a borrowed paper, or portions of another persons work. Saylor Academy,, and Harnessing Technology to Make Education Free are trade names of the Constitution Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization through which our educational activities are conducted. You can find the preliminary guidelines for this project at the end of this syllabus. (Bloom et al. ii) Connect the phenomenon of algorithmic bias with statistical biases and/or cognitive biases that weve studied in this class. However, identifying bad arguments can be very tricky in practice. Take this exam if you want to earn college credit for this course. As usual, you should provide specific textual references even when you are not directly quoting from the texts. Readings: Data Visualization that Mislead;The Persuasive Power of Data Visualization (Pandey et al., 2014); Excerpt from Storytelling with Data (Nussbaumer, 2015) Understand especially how the terms and processes have developed. For more information about your options at NIC, please go or call (208) 676-7156. Be able to understand the experiences that formed this understanding, and be able to apply this understanding to our beliefs and their expressions. This includes a purchased paper, a borrowed paper, or portions of another persons work. In addition to using predicate logic, the limitations of sentential logic can also be overcome by using Venn diagrams to illustrate statements and arguments. Susanne. This study guide will help you get ready for the final exam. Activity since Wednesday, November 2, 2022, 2:38 AM, PHIL102: Introduction to Critical Thinking and Logic, Unit 1: Introduction and Meaning Analysis, Unit 7: Strategic Reasoning and Creativity, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported. A sense of logical structure of both inductive and deductive forms. Critical Thinking Elective Course, The Theology Program Robert M. Bowman, Jr., Instructor Course Description This course will introduce basic concepts and skills in logic and critical thinking. Students will challenge assumptions, evaluate arguments from different perspectives, and articulate positions on contemporary issues. Almost all of human dialogue is an argument. Homework is a important component of this course. Preparation: Search online and find discussions of fake news and disinformation. If you cannot, please contact us to request an override. Syllabus for Spring Semester 2019 Prof. Dowden . The great philosopher Socrates and the equally great Peirce desire that we test our assumptions - Search for truth. Completing this unit should take you approximately 6 hours. Building Thinking Skills Grades K-12. Read de Bono, "Vertical and Lateral Thinking" Read Dormen & Edidin, "Original Spin" 9.1 Argument Analysis Paper. This is a Hybrid course so half of the course content each week will appear as online lectures and readings. Sept.18 (T) Critical thinking as strategic thinking I Our arguments include reasons that we think justify our beliefs. If you do not pass the exam on your first try, you can take it again a maximum of 3 times, Turnitin:NIC subscribes to a plagiarism-prevention service, called Turnitin, which is integrated with our Blackboard course software. Critical thinking, on the other hand, is a process that utilizes logical thinking but takes it a step further. IV. In addition, students will work on an "issues" assignment. I will typically post two lectures per week however, and we can use the Thursday class time to discuss the material that I posted online during the week. The assignments will be worth 5 to 10 points. Logic And Critical Thinking Syllabus - The Marginalian participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn commissions by linking to Amazon. Each student will submit their own Digital Project III, which brings together the last three components just mentioned. If you go elsewhere to purchase the book, please make sure to get the 4th edition - very important. Professor Huaping Lu-Adler, Georgetown University. The first unit introduces the terrain of critical thinking and covers the basics of meaning analysis, while the second unit provides a primer in analyzing arguments. Demonstrate the ability to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information in problem solving (II.1). They are also tremendously useful in other academic domains, in the workplace, and in everyday life. Keep all that in one page. a radio excerpt). This is the stance of the critical thinker. The lowest quiz score will be dropped. (Please state the sources that you end up drawing on, even if not directly quoting from, for your answers.) My course units move from dialogue, to inference and logic, to theory. This free online course aims to help you develop and improve these skills. Nov.13 (T) Are we in a post-truth era? Course Syllabus Unit 1: Introduction and Meaning Analysis Critical thinking is a broad classification for a diverse array of reasoning techniques. The course aims to help students to understand and develop the skills required for critical thinking, and to . This means that it depends on observation and evidence, not logical principles. I expect you to volunteer. Reading:Vaughn, Inference to the Best Explanation Assignment 5, due before class: select exercises (details on Canvas). The First Year Seminar - Liberal Studies Program Faculty Resource Updated for 2009 - 2010, Grounding the Use of Instructional Technology in Principles, Teaching Philosophy, Course Goals and Disciplinary Values. . Get an informed and realistic picture of how we think as embodied, culturally situated, and socially oriented human beings. To qualify for an A-level course grade, you cannot have more than 2 unexcused absences, including the complementary one. Click Unit 1 to read its introduction and learning outcomes. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. 100% Success rate Username Email Register. Understand and be able to explain both errors and the success of the reasoning process using the technical elements specific to logic itself. Continue to visit the North Idaho College COVID-19 webpage for the latest information on official College communications, access to technology, and student support services. They will understand how it is still fallible, finite and how from its own context and nature it can still expand. Skill in handling a variety of arguments in variety of contexts. Readings:Kahneman, chapter 19 (The Illusion of Understanding); Vaughn, Obstacles to Critical Thinking You may present them by whichever medium you see fit.]. Critical thinking is the act of analyzing facts to understand a problem or topic thoroughly. (iv) Using the critical thinking tools that youve acquired so far, help them to think more critically about the given case. Assignment 12, due before class: Complete select exercises 6 & 8-11 on pp.94-98 (marked in yellow). You will receive your grade as soon as you submit your answers. Week 10, Module 10: Questioning Authority. For example, is a great example of a reliable essay company. Plagiarism: knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as ones own in an academic exercise. Picking the arguments out from the rest of our often convoluted discourse can be difficult. Those who do not adhere to this practice will be asked to leave the classroom. The purpose of SAP standards are meant to ensure that students and academic institutions are held accountable to the taxpayer-funded federal student aid programs while students complete their academic goals in a timely manner. The book is intended for an introductory course that covers both formal and informal logic. Readings:Lipton, The Foundations of Algorithmic Bias;Noble, Algorithms of Oppression (excerpts); ONeil, Weapons of Math Destruction (excerpts) Understand the historical sources and progress of our understanding of the reasoning process. Using someone elses exact words without using direct quotes.2. [3] The representation of the example can be textual (e.g. Be able to recognize and define the primary terms in the reasoning process. (You do. Facemasks are not a Substitute for Physical DistancingIn addition to masks or face coverings, maintain appropriate physical distancing of 6 feet whenever possible while in the classroom, laboratory, or other instructional spaces and in public areas. Preparation: Revisit your work on assignments 9-10 and 17-24. Students at the end of the class will be able to speculate as to the nature of the truth, as evidenced by its long history of developed achievement. Click on the following link for additional information -,, Instructor-Initiated Withdrawal Procedure. Reading:Bowell & Kemp, Logic: Deductive Validity This includes a purchased paper, a borrowed paper, or portions of another persons work. Students will attend classtwo days a week and then complete required assignments online. Advanced courses in formal logic focus on using rules of inference to construct elaborate proofs. In general, critical thinking works by breaking arguments and claims down to their basic underlying structure so we can see them clearly and determine whether they are rational. Essay writing help has this amazing ability to save a student's evening. Fabrication: falsifying or inventing any information or citation in an academic exercise. Just report what immediately comes to your mind.) Further details will be announced on Canvas. COURSE OBJECTIVES Read closely. Critical reasoning skills are presented and practiced in the context of the construction and criticism of numerous written, extended arguments. This includes, but is not limited to, face-to-face classes and Internet classes. 1956: 38) Comprehension and application objectives, as their names imply, involve understanding and applying information. When you turn in your assignments to this site, whether during the drafting process or on a final due date, the software compares your work to many resources on the world wide web, coming up with an "authenticity" report. Take notes and keep track of (a) which tools you used, (b) how you presented your analysis of the case to each person (ideally, your approach should be informed by an understanding of your audience), and (c) each persons response afterwards. Ask their permission to have a recorded discussion with you. Arrival after I have started the class, usually right after the bell, counts as being late. Philosophy, Please contact me by NIC email at any time if you have questions: [emailprotected]. By taking Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking you will improve your ability to identify, analyze, and evaluate arguments by other people (including politicians, used car salesmen, and teachers) and also to construct arguments of your own in order to convince others and to help you decide what to believe or do. Completing this unit should take you approximately 13 hours. Akeili Hawkins. Your submitted project will be posted on our resources website. The purpose of SAP standards are meant to ensure that students and academic institutions are held accountable to the taxpayer-funded federal student aid programs while students complete their academic goals in a timely manner. If you do not pass the exam on your first try, you can take it again as many times as you want, with a 7-day waiting period between each attempt. Developing these skills is extremely important, because critical thinking . Read Sabini and Silver, "Critical Thinking and Obedience to Authority" Read Perkinson, "The Educated Person: A Changing Ideal" To receive a free Course Completion Certificate, you will need to earn a grade of 70% or higher on this final exam. Critical thinking is a broad classification for a diverse array of reasoning techniques. When you turn in your assignments to this site, whether during the drafting process or on a final due date, the software compares your work to many resources on the world wide web, coming up with an "authenticity" report. Accommodations are not retroactive. Week One: Introduction to the Course/ Why is critical thinking important? [Space permitting, you may also raise doubts and/or questions.]. For more information, see the Instructor-Initiated Withdrawal Procedure. You will require at least 1mbps of internet bandwidth. Reconstruct the arguments, and assess them for their validity & soundness or inductive strength. Critical Thinking (intermediary) Reading:Bowell & Kemp, Logic: Probability and Inductive Reasoning Assignment 11, due before class: Complete all the exercises on pp.23-26. Materials Critical Thinking Syllabus. ], Nov.15 (Th) Know your audience: how to debunk BSs and promote truths effectively. Oct.30 (T) Think critically about data 1: statistical biases Preparation: Search online and find arguments for and against the claim that we now live in a post-truth era. For example, a good word problem in mathematics requires some thought process beyond a quick arithmetic solution. This assignment will not only be posted on the resources website mentioned above, it will also be graded for its quality. In this unit, you will investigate techniques for problem solving, representing complex problems visually, making decisions in risky and uncertain scenarios, and creative thinking in general. Logic and Medical Sciences (Nursing/MID/Pharmacy) a. 1 point will be subtracted for every additional unexcused absence. About this Specialization. You will receive more information on this process in class. For more information, see theFinancial Aid Satisfactory Progress website. Technology RequirementsPlease also visit the Access to Computers, Internet & E-Learning Support webpage for information on the technology and resources you will need to be successful. The idea is to help us do a better job of understanding and evaluating what we read, what we hear, and what we ourselves write and say. Logic And Critical Thinking Syllabus - ID 15031. We will use Blackboard/WebCT ( and Gensler's LogiCola PC software ( A flash drive is recommended for LogiCola. However, in 2022 native English-speaking students in the U.S. become to use essay help . Exam questions are distributed across multiple pages. Generate a collectively edited, negotiated, and refined list, signed off by all contributing members of the group. Preparations: Title IXNorth Idaho College seeks to provide an environment that is free of bias, discrimination, and harassment. Logic And Critical Thinking Syllabus: Dr.Jeffrey (PhD) #4 in Global Rating . In solving her mysteries, Detective Stephanie Wise identifies and evaluates evidence to guide her decision making. Wearing Masks is MandatedFace coverings over the nose and mouth are required in classrooms, laboratories and all other spaces where in-person instruction occurs, as well as in public spaces on campus. III. Write down 4 connections that you found to be most salient and/or worth noting. Before attempting this exam, review the Saylor Direct Credit page for complete requirements. The Code of Conduct shallmake clear possible sanctions for such actions. Facilitating Academic Dishonesty: knowingly helping another to attempt to violate any provisions of this policy.. Critical Thinking studies a process which is indispensable to all educated persons--the process by which we develop and support our beliefs and evaluate the strength of arguments made by others in real-life situations. Focuses on the techniques of rational inference and analytical judgment. 2. This course is an introduction to critical thinkingthinking about arguments, about reasons that might be given in support of a conclusion. Contact: Disability Support Services Website(208) 769-5947. DSS provides academic accommodations, access, assistance, and services at NIC and at the North Idaho Consortium of Higher Education campuses. This is your highest-stake assignment. Nov.8 (Th) Practice debunking: the case of poverty I. Class of 2022, Nursing - Visionary Leadership, DNP newspaper clip), visual (e.g. Students with 3 absences and a B average are excused from the final. This module brings together courses that will hone your skills in the analytical, reflective thinking required for effective problem-solving in the workplace. You are responsible for confirming the accuracy of your attendance record. Customer Reviews. Then, enroll in the course by clicking "Enroll me in this course". Oct.9 (T) Evaluate arguments 1: deductive reasoning You will receive more information on this process in class. Preschools . As human beings we think of ourselves as rational beings, beings who use reason in drawing . We have thousands of returning clients that use our writing services every chance they get. syllabus, notes, reminders, and other important les for the course. NIC English and Humanities DivisionAbsencesThe English and Humanities Division has agreed upon a recommendation that students not miss more than the equivalent of two weeks in a single course, which means six absences in a three-day-per-week class, four absences in two-day-per-week class, two absences in a one-evening-per-week class, or two weeks of online participation.Plagiarism PolicyNICs English Department believes strongly in the ability of its students to:1. write works in which they use their own ideas and words2. McCormick Philosophy - Critical Thinking Syllabus Critical Thinking Phil. For example, instead of sitting at home or in a college library the whole evening through, you can buy an essay instead, which . Start learning here, or check out our full course catalog. Take this exam if you want to earn a free Course Completion Certificate. DSS services are designed to support students throughout their academic career. Indicates that the item was selected as one of Cathy's 103 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum. In class, I may ask you to talk about something youve written. Click on the following link for additional information -,, Instructor-Initiated Withdrawal Procedure, Access to Computers, Internet & E-Learning Suppor. Use one example to illustrate a misleading data presentation, and the other to illustrate what seems to be a persuasive and at the same time honest presentation. Oct. 25 (Th) Workshop on Digital Project II: record, analyze, and assess real-life arguments [@ Lauinger-140, reserved with technical support 3-5pm)] Assignment 19, due before class: Write a one-page report, in which you i)summarize the overall lessons from the readings. Below is a tentative schedule. These projects are higher-stakes assignments. (ISBN: 9780415996518; First edition may be used (2001, ISBN: 9780415226752), but you will be responsible for accommodating discrepancies (mostly chapter order). Digital Project II due at noon on Sunday, Oct.28. However, to give everyone a fair chance to participate each time, I may invite you to share your thoughts if you have not volunteered. ASK ME A QUESTION. In this unit we work with Categorical Syllogisms and learn two methods of determining the validity of these arguments. You'll learn how to: identify and avoid common thinking mistakes that lead to the formation of bad beliefs; recognise, reconstruct and evaluate arguments; use basic logical tools to analyse arguments; and apply those tools in areas including science, moral theories and . NIC shall maintain a Student Code of Conduct that specifically addresses prohibitedbehavior and assures due process for alleged violations. We appreciate your feedback, whether you completed the whole course or even just a few resources. Logic And Critical Thinking Course Syllabus - 964 . Solicit and take note of their reactions. This course is an introduction to critical thinking and reasoning, and demonstrates philosophy's practical value for effectively solving problems, communicating ideas, achieving goals, and uncovering truth. It's a method of thinking that uses logic or analysis of information to evaluate a situation. But I may adjust the guidelines when I post the assignment on our. General Course Description Please save it for a rainy day. Assignment 25, due in class: Complete a review-and-reflect worksheet in class. When you turn in your assignments to this site, whether during the drafting process or on a final due date, the software compares your work to many resources on the world wide web, coming up with an "authenticity" report. Customer Reviews. You are responsible for confirming the accuracy of your attendance record. Luckily, arguments obey a set of formal rules that we can use to determine whether they are good or bad. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. These are not trivial pursuits. See detailed licensing information. You will then see the learning materials and instructions on how to use them. Expected product: An edited recording that contains the materials that you end up using. Your answers will be peer-marked in class. In general, critical thinking works by breaking arguments and claims down to their basic underlying structure so we can see them clearly and determine whether they are rational. What other concepts do you typically associate with it? Awareness of uses and abuses of argument language, including connotation, ambiguity and definition. This includes a purchased paper, a borrowed paper, or portions of another persons work. This course aims to introduce students to practices of argumentation, critical analysis, and evaluation. There may be group discussions, and the results of the discussions may be entirely or partially posted on our resources website, as signed off by all contributing participants. The representation of the example can be textual, visual, or audible, as explained in Assignment 3. Very often what at first appears to be ironclad reasoning turns out to contain one or more subtle errors. Mastering these skills will help you become a more perceptive reader They are open from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. Monday throughThursday, and from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Fridays. Behavior not considered plagiarism but of concern is sloppy documentation of words and ideas borrowed from another source and/or submitting an old paper as new work without the instructor's permission. The three Saylor Direct Credit quizzes are optional, but recommended to help you prepare for the final exam. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Oct.16 (T) Evaluate arguments 3: an inventory of fallacies When we reason about any particular matter, we produce arguments to support our conclusions. Turnitin: NIC subscribes to a plagiarism-prevention service, called Turnitin, which is integrated with our Canvas course software. Business Programs. Introduction Definition of Philosophy Components of Philosophy Logic as Introduction to Philosophy III. Dec. 6 (Th) Review and reflect. Digital Project I due at noon on Sunday, Sept.30. The Code of Conduct shallmake clear possible sanctions for such actions. North Idaho College seeks to provide an environment that is free of bias, discrimination, and harassment. The book is available in the bookstore. Lecture: 3 hours each week. Assignment 9, due before class: Write a one-page report, in which you i) state your basic understanding of the term bullshit before reading the assigned articles [you should record this before you sit down with the readings], ii) formulate your updated definition of the same term, as inspired by the readings (you dont have to agree with any of the authors, although you should definitely take their discussions into account), and iii) use a recent real-life example to illustrate why the new definition is preferable. Assignment 17, due before class(independent research with no assigned readings): Please answer the following questions in a single document: This has been labeled "critical thinking" by some, "reflective thinking" by Dewey and others, and "problem solving" by still others. The representation of the example can be textual, visual, or audible, as explained in Assignment 3. Oct.2 (T) Our ecosystem of BS: fake news and disinformation campaigns I. Syllabus/ Course Orientation Demonstrate the expected concepts and ideas to be discussed in this subject. We will also introduce the fundamentals of meaning analysis: the difference between literal meaning and implication, the principles of definition, how to identify when a disagreement is merely verbal, the distinction between necessary and sufficient conditions, and problems with the imprecision of ordinary language. Behaviors considered plagiarism would include: 2. Follow the same format instructions as Assignment 11. Nov. 29 (Th) Think factfully and focus on actionable resolutions We're committed to removing barriers to education and helping you build essential skills to advance your career goals. (Ask a librarian if you need help to find the examples.) Given what you know now about arguments and explanations, please It will analyze principles of critical thinking, general argumentation theory, argument identification, argument diagramming, and logical fallacy identification. Exceptions are only permitted when there is a formally approved accommodation through the Disability Support Services office. EXPLAIN, using the conceptual apparatus from the readings, what makes one misleading while the other persuasive. To begin our semester we will work with Peirces pragmatic logic. This course provides instruction in skills essential to success in everyday life, citizenship, and as a professional in any career. Week Five: Valid Arguments/ True Arguments. Oct.4 (Th) Lets defend truth and start with basics: identify arguments Part I: Language and Reasoning (all homework problems will be assigned online or in class). Three unexcused absences will result in the loss of 10% points from the final grade. The majority of these assignments will be submitted online. Write clearly. are only viewed by our staff with the purpose of making sure it is you taking the exam and verifying any questions about exam integrity. How Our Paper Writing Service Is Used 4. Nursing Management Business and Economics Marketing +89. The great philosopher Aristotle believed that if you could determine the validity of a Categorical Syllogism, then you were a master of logic. For general questions about technology, contact the IT Help Desk at [emailprotected] or 208.769.3280. Follow the same format instructions as the previous assignment. So we've decided to answer them in the form of an F.A.Q. We will be recording your screen, so close any extra tabs! Strategic reasoning, problem solving, and creative thinking all rely on an ineffable component of novelty supplied by the thinker. Is essay writing legitimate? Logic And Critical Thinking Syllabus, Outline For Phd Thesis Proposal, How To Write Prices In Spanish, Church-turing Thesis Geeksforgeeks, Esl Dissertation Methodology Editor Site For Mba, Telecommunication Research Proposal Sample, "Lip gloss makes us feel beautiful, which is true (unless you're wearing it and looking at yourself in the . Students must have A THREE RINGED BINDER. Disconnect any extra monitors attached to your computer. Nov.6 (T) Think critically about data 3: Big Data & algorithmic biases Gensler, Harry. ), who you know have not received training in scientific reasoning or proper uses of data. Course Description. Completing this unit should take you approximately 4 hours. Internet Explorer 7, 8, and 9 are no longer supported. 4 Summer 2022 Online Catalog: PHIL 4. Logic And Critical Thinking Syllabus: Look up our reviews and see what our clients have to say! This course is a general introduction to the reasoning skills and psychological approaches used for effective decision-making, problem-solving, and argument analysis and evaluation. An environment that is free of bias, discrimination, and socially oriented human.... Whether they are good or bad assignment 3 a Categorical Syllogism, then you were a master logic! 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